Što je radno vrijeme?
Business hours - the part of the day when a business is usually open.
Radno vrijeme je vrijeme tijekom kojega osoblje za poslovnu podršku uobičajeno radi. Tvrtke kreiraju radno vrijeme kako bi klijenti mogli komunicirati s osobljem za podršku. Vrijeme odgovra također zavisi od radnog vremena. Na kraju, nitko ne želi da klijent čeka na podršku dok su njeni zaposlenici prezaposleni, spavaju ili na odmoru.
Različiti odjeli imaju različito radno vrijeme. To je ključno kada agenti rade u različito vrijeme ili u različitim vremenskim zonama. Na primjer, osoblje podrške je dostupno 24 sata dnevno. Dakle, radnici su odgovorni samo za pozive unutar radnih sati njihove smjene.
What are the normal business hours?
Normalno radno vrijeme je obično od 8:00 do 18:00, obično od ponedjeljka do petka. Naravno, uz izuzetak državnih praznika i ostalih neradnih dana.
But, you should always keep in mind that normal office hours and days differ based on the company’s location.
How many business days are 48 hours?
48 sati znači dva radna dana. Radni dani su obično od ponedjeljka do petka, kada većina profesionalnih poduzeća obavlja svoje poslovanje.
What are the working hours in the USA?
Working hours depend on the type of business. Official places, such as banks in the USA are usually open from 8 am to 5 pm – Monday to Friday. Yet, retail stores can be often open for longer hours even every day of the week. This usually all applies besides some public or legal holidays. Restaurants can vary based on the location of the business. Overall it is usually from 9 am to 5 pm.
How can customer service software help you manage your business 24/7?
Help desk ticket systems help your agents manage all the inquiries from one place. No need for switching interfaces.
Na primjer, možete dobiti upite vezane za email, chat, pozivni centar i društvene medije u jednoj univerzalnoj ulaznoj pošti. Postavite i automatizirajte svoj LiveAgent i dosegnite svoju najbolju izvedbu korisničke usluge.
If you would like to know more about LiveAgents, read Customer service software.
But how does it help with your business hours?
Korisnička služba obično radi u smjenama. Teško je pružati uslugu 24/7 osim ako vaša kompanija može priuštiti zapošljavanje više osoblja.
Customer service software, such as LiveAgent provides a Customer portal, which can help you in many ways. One and the most important factor is the creation of Knowledge Base articles. Providing self-service can be through for example; Knowledge Base articles. This can provide customers assistance when the customer staff is not available.
LiveAgent također ima značajku za radno vrijeme. Ova funkcija vam omogućuje da postavite svoje radno vrijeme unutar softvera. Njeno postavljanje olakšava vašem osoblju korisničke podrške da se pripremi za smjenu. Također postavlja i realna očekivanja za klijente.
Learn more about LiveAgent’s feature – Business hours.
Ostale prednosti softvera za korisničku službu:
- customer retention
- customer satisfaction
- spending less on resources
- time-effective
- higher profit
- customer loyalty
- customer community
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Frequently Asked Questions
What does a term business hours mean?
Business hours are the hours of the day when activities are usually conducted. Standard working hours vary by country. In many countries it is usually a period of time between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm (also called 9-5).
How to set business hours in LiveAgent?
To set working hours in LiveAgent, go to ‘Configuration’, then select the ‘Automation’ tab and then ‘SLA’. In the next step you click ‘Create level’. At this point, you can turn on and set the working hours by selecting ‘Times are defined in subsequent working hours’. then you select a time zone, set working hours for each day of the week and ‘exclude holidays’ in which your company does not work.
What business hours should you set?
The working hours you choose should depend on the type of your business. When setting working hours, think about your target group - at what times they will want to buy your services. But the most important thing is to include and adhere to the opening hours in all the media in which you communicate.
CRM softver omogućuje lak pristup podacima svakom zaposleniku, upravljanje kontaktima, dokumentima i ponudama te integraciju e-pošte. Najbolje prakse uključuju odabir pravog softvera, osposobljavanje zaposlenika i korištenje automatizacije. Važno je provjeriti jesu li svi potrebni podaci i informacije u CRM-u.
Chat usluga omogućuje korisnicima razgovor u stvarnom vremenu s agentima korisničke podrške putem IM aplikacije na web stranici organizacije. LiveAgent pruža različite opcije za chat u svojim uslugama podrške, s ciljem smanjenja troškova i poboljšanja društvene interakcije. Integracija s CRM-om je također moguća. Try LiveAgent!