Primjeri učinkovitih IVR skripti za poboljšanje telefonske podrške i povećanje zadovoljstva korisnika.
Postavljanje profesionalnog IVR sustava može uvelike pomoći poslovanjima pri poboljšanju telefonske podrške i povećanju zadovoljstva korisnika. Učinkovita IVR skripta ne samo da Vam omogućava automatsko preusmjeravanje dolaznih poziva do pravih odjela ili agenata, nego i uklanja duže redove čekanja i vrijeme istih. IVR pozdravi i poruke koje Vaši korisnici čuju kada nazovu Vašu korisničku službu postavljaju ton cijeloj interakciji, stoga je važno da ih napravite na konkretan način.
Dobro smišljenje IVR skripte mogu poboljšati percepciju Vašeg Brenda i stvoriti ugodna i očaravajuća korisnička iskustva za svakog pozivatelja. S druge strane, neučinkovite IVR skripte mogu frustrirati i zbuniti korisnike, što rezultira trajnim negativnim dojmovima o Vašem Brendu i poslovanju. Upotrijebite slijedeće, najbolje prakse IVR i IVR primjere skripti, zajedno s nekim od najčešćih fraza za stvaranje vlastitih IVR skripti.
LiveAgent kombinira odličan chat, ticketing i automatizaciju koja vam omogućava pružanje odlične korisničke podrške vašim korisnicima.
Dug i složen IVR izbornik pozivateljima može otežati navigaciju – općenito se preporučuje da navedete do 5 glavnih opcija izbornika koje bi trebale biti navedene prema važnosti.
Pozivatelji možda ne znaju koju ekstenziju trebaju, ali znaju koji odjel traže – pobrinite se da uvijek čuju opciju prije akcije (“Za prodajni odjel pritisnite 1” umjesto “Pritisnite 1 za prodajni odjel”.)
Koristite izričaj koji je jasan i lako razumljiv svima koji bi mogli nazvati Vašu korisničku podršku – izbjegavajte bilo kakve stručne izraze, kratice i komplicirane riječi.
Dajte pozivateljima do znanja koliko će vremena trebati čekati da ih povežete s Agentom kad god ih morate smjestiti u pozivni red ili na čekanje za vrijeme poziva kako bi znali što mogu očekivati i kako bi u skladu s tim mogli upravljati vlastitim vremenom.
Kada su linije prezauzete, a pozivni redovi predugi, pobrinite se da omogućite automatski povratni poziv kako bi skratili pozivne redove, smanjili napore korisnika i broj napuštenih poziva.
Hello and thank you for calling [Company], [the company’s mission statement or slogan]. Currently, all our lines are occupied. We ask for your patience. Your call will be answered by the next available agent. Your estimated hold time is less than [number] minutes.
Welcome to [Company]. Thank you for your call. Currently, all of our agents are occupied. Please hold, we will be with you shortly. Your current position in the queue is [number], and your estimated hold time is [number] minutes.
You have reached [Company]. This call may be monitored and recorded for training or quality assurance purposes. Please do not hang up. You will be connected to the next available agent as soon as possible. Your current hold time is approximately [number] minutes.
Thank you for calling [Company]. If you’re happy to share your feedback with us at the end of the call, by answering one simple question, press 1 now and help us improve this experience in the future. Please stay on the line and your call will be answered in the order it was received.
Hello and thank you for calling [Company], [the company’s mission statement or slogan]. Our normal business hours are Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 5 PM. If you already know the extension you wish to reach, you may enter it at any time. Otherwise, please listen to the following menu:
To continue in Spanish, press 1.
To continue in French, press 2.
To reach the [name] department, press 3.
To reach the [name] department, press 4.
To speak with an operator, please stay on the line and the next available agent will be with you shortly.
Hello and welcome to [Company], [the company’s mission statement or slogan]. Calls may be recorded for training and quality purposes. Please choose from the following menu options:
To speak with a sales representative, press 1.
To reach a customer support agent, press 2.
To reach our billing department, press 3.
For more information about [Company], press 4.
To leave a voicemail, press 5.
To review your options, press 9.
Thanks for calling [Company]. Our offices are currently closed. Our business hours are from Monday to Friday 9 AM to 8 PM Eastern Time.
To leave a message in our general voice mailbox, press 1. A representative will contact you the following business day.
To reach our company directory, press 2.
For directions to our office, press 3.
For more information about our products and services, please visit [website].
To repeat this message, press the # key.
All lines are still busy and we ask for your patience. Your hold time is estimated at [number] minutes. While you wait, feel free to check out our website at We’re offering [details of your offer].
All our agents are still assisting other callers. To leave a message, press 1. To have an agent call you back, press 2. Otherwise, please stay on the line and your call will be answered in the order it was received.
All of our agents are still busy. If you would like to receive a callback, please press 1 and the next available agent will return your call. Otherwise, please stay on the line and someone will be with you as soon as possible.
Thank you for holding, our support agents are still busy with other customers. If you want to leave us a message and hang up, please press 1. We will contact you during our office hours. Otherwise, please continue to hold and the next available agent will answer your call.
All of our agents are still busy. Sorry for the inconvenience. Please hang up and try your call again later or reach out to us via email at [email address].
We apologize but we are currently experiencing high call volume. Please hang up and try your call again, send us an email at [email address] or chat with us online at
We’re sorry your call cannot be completed at this time as we are experiencing unusually high call volume. Please hang up and try your call again.
Your call cannot be connected at present because of overloading. Please hang up and try your call again. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Thank you for requesting a callback from [Company]. A member of our staff will be in contact with you soon. You may now hang up and wait for our call. Goodbye.
Thank you for requesting a callback. One of our representatives will be in touch shortly to answer all of your questions. Please hang up and wait for our call. Goodbye.
Your place in the waiting queue has been recorded. The next available agent will call you back. Goodbye.
You have requested a callback from [Company]. We look forward to speaking with you and will be in touch shortly within our business hours. Goodbye.
Thanks for calling [Company]. Our office is currently closed. Our business hours are Monday through Friday 9 AM to 8 PM. To leave a message, press 1. A representative will contact you within a business day. For information about business hours, press 2. You may also email us at [company email]. For more information about our products and services, please visit
Welcome to [Company]. Unfortunately, you are calling outside our normal business hours. You can reach us Monday through Friday from 9 AM to 6 PM. Please leave a message with your name and our customer support representative will get in touch with you as soon as possible. Thank you.
Thank you for calling [Company]. To learn more about our products and services, visit our website at Our offices are currently closed. You can reach us Monday through Friday from 8 AM to 6 PM except on major holidays. Please leave a message with your name, contact information, and the nature of your call and someone from the appropriate department will contact you on the next business day.
Thank you for calling [Company]. We are currently unavailable to take your call. Please leave a message after the beep, or contact us during business hours: Monday through Friday between 9 AM and 5 PM Eastern Standard Time.
Thank you for calling [Company]. We are currently closed in observance of [holiday name]. We will return on [Date] at 8 AM Eastern Standard Time. To leave a voicemail, press 2. To repeat this menu, press the # key. Happy holidays!
Happy [holiday name]! You’ve reached [Company]. We are closed from [date] till [date] for the celebration of [holiday name]. On [date] we will reopen, resuming our standard business operations from 8 AM to 7 PM Eastern Standard Time. Looking forward to hearing from you after [date].
Welcome to [Company]. Our offices are now closed for a holiday. You can reach us on working days Monday through Friday from 9 AM to 6 PM. For general inquiries, you can also send us an email to [email address]. Thank you.
Hello! You have reached [Company]. We are closed for [holiday name] from [date] till [date]. We will reopen on [X date] with the usual working time from 8 AM to 8 PM. In case of emergency, please call the following number [telephone number] or email us at [email address]. Happy [holiday name]!
We apologize but we are currently experiencing high call volumes. Please leave a message after the tone, send us an email at [email address], or chat with us online at Thank you.
Thank you for calling [Company]. We apologize but we were unable to connect you to any available agents. Your call is important to us. Please leave us a voicemail after the tone and we will reach out to you as soon as possible. Thank you.
Thank you for calling [Company]. You have reached this message either because all of our agents are currently busy assisting other callers or it is after business hours. Please leave a message after the beep and we will return your call as soon as possible.
Hello, you have reached the voicemail of [Company]. Please leave a detailed message with your name, phone number, or email address and we will get back to you within twenty-four hours. Thank you.
IVR je kratica za “Interactive Voice Response” ili “Interaktivni glasovni odgovor”. IVR je sustav koji omogućava korisnicima telefonsku interakciju s tvrtkama i automatski odabire pravac djelovanja koji će korisnik slijediti.
Vlastitu IVR poruku možete snimiti pomoću opcije snimača glasa u softveru Vašeg Call Centra. Prvo, morate stvoriti IVR grupu za odjel ili službu, te zatim možete snimiti svoju glasovnu poruku.
Kada pozdravljate klijenta na pozivu, možete upotrijebiti frazu “Bok, [IME], kako si?” ili “Bok, [IME], kako mogu pomoći?”
Pozivni centar za dolazne pozive
LiveAgent nudi različite usluge, uključujući dolazni pozivni centar s naprednim značajkama poput IVR-a i inteligentnog usmjeravanja poziva. Softver omogućuje tvrtkama učinkovito upravljanje dolaznim pozivima i pružanje visoke razine korisničke usluge. Osim toga, nudimo i video pozive i neograničeno snimanje poziva.
Email predlošci za uključivanje klijenata
Tekst govori o važnosti uključivanja klijenata u strategije digitalnog marketinga putem e-maila te se nudi nekoliko predložaka e-mailova za uključivanje. Navode se primjeri kako koristiti e-mailove za novo spominjanje brenda, sakupljanje povratnih informacija te zaključani sadržaj kao oblik dolazne marketinške aktivnosti. Telefonska podrška je i dalje popularna, a ton koji koristi agent ima utjecaj na emocije klijenata. Navodi se kako studije slučaja mogu pomoći u dokazivanju kredibiliteta posla i pokazati kako je vaš proizvod ili usluga riješila probleme klijenta, te se predlažu predlošci e-mailova za zahtjev za studiju slučaja. Softver za korisničku podršku može pomoći u poboljšanju tržišnog imidža tvrtke, a integracija s NiceReply-om omogućuje prikupljanje povratnih informacija putem e-pošte.
Tekst naglašava važnost poboljšanja korisničke podrške kroz jednostavniji jezik, kraće pozdrave i obavještavanje o vremenu čekanja. Ističe se LiveAgent kao dobar alat za korisničku podršku i spominju se funkcionalnosti, integracije te alternative. Preporučuje se revidiranje politika i procedura za rješavanje poziva te korištenje analize govora i nadzora kvalitete. Navedeni su predlošci pozivnog centra za izgradnju čvrstih odnosa s kupcima. Također se navodi besplatno probno razdoblje i podrška, kao i kontakti za prodaju i newsletter.
Kako dodati gumb za live chat na Vašu web stranicu
Live chat je postao ključni kanal korisničke podrške za web stranice. Integracija softvera za live chat omogućuje brzu pomoć korisnicima i povećava angažman, zadovoljstvo korisnika i prodaju. Odabir pravog dobavljača, postavljanje gumba za chat i prilagođavanje widgeta ključni su koraci za uspješnu integraciju live chata. Proaktivne pozivnice za chat, unaprijed pripremljeni odgovori i pravilan trening agenata također su važni za optimizaciju live chata.
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Andrej Saxon | LiveAgent support team