What is excellent customer service?
Postoje mnogi načini pružanja najbolje korisničke usluge. Nužno je odgovoriti na pitanja klijenata što je brže moguće. Kompanija se treba fokusirati na gradnju odanih i dugoročnih odnosa, ne samo na prodaju. Predstavnici službe trebaju pažljivo slušati klijente i biti im od pomoći. Moraju održavati klijente sretnima. To je ključno. Predstavnici službe također moraju biti i trenirani. Moraju periodično poboljšavati svoje vještine i znanje.

What are the top 10 best customer service practices?
- Say sorry and thank you
- Listen
- Encourage feedback and act upon it
- Effectively manage time
- Be empathetic
- Identify types of customers
- Respond with Live chat
- Collect and utilize customer data
- Avoid jargon
- Train customer representatives
How can you improve your customer service with customer service software?
There is one impactful improvement every company can do besides the mentioned practices. Having Customer service software such as LiveAgent improves your daily customer support activities. Integrating cloud call center software like LiveAgent further enhances the communication experience, allowing seamless and prompt responses to customer queries, and ensuring a higher level of satisfaction and loyalty.
LiveAgent kreira efikasno okruženje za vaše predstavnike službe kao i za klijente. On prikuplja podatke sa svih platformi i prikazuje ih unutar jednog sučelja. Povećava zadržavanje kupaca, zadovoljstvo kupaca i prihod kompanije.
It’s only natural to strive to pick the best help desk ticketing system when you’re trying to provide outstanding customer service that leaves a lasting impression on customers. Always consider the pros and cons of the solution you’re considering, how it can improve the work of your customer service agents, and how it can ultimately benefit your business.
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Handle all customer inquires from one interface and start improving your customer service with a 30-day free trial right away.
What companies have great customer service?
- Chick-fil-A
- Ikea
- Amazon
How do these brands provide excellent customer service?
Kao što vidite, ove kompanije su iz različitih grana industrije. Ali opet, one teže k odličnoj korisničkoj usluzi. Pogledajmo i inspirirajmo se svakom od njih.
Google daje odlične uvjete za zaposlenike u SAD-u. Na primjer, besplatni obroci na poslu, liječnici dostupni na poslu, mogućnost dovođenja ljubimca na posao i više. To kreira okruženje s niskom razinom stresa. Dakle, tako omogućuju predstavnicima korisničke službe da budu kreativniji i produktivniji u isto vrijeme.
Chick-fil-A is a well known fast-food restaurant chain. How do they provide great customer service? The company simply understands the need to invest in their employees first. Training employees can create a huge impact. Chick-fil-A customer service has been rated as most polite. Here is how being polite gave the Chick-fil-A competitor advantage.
IKEA focuses and ultimately creates an experience. IKEA always strives to improve the customer experience. Let’s look at the example. Your family needs to go furniture shopping. If you have young kids, IKEA enables them to play in the children’s play center while you shop. After finishing your shopping, you can just simply pick the kids up and go for a nice family meal under the same roof. This convenience is what ultimately creates an example of a great customer experience. This is a big part of the overall customer service satisfaction of the company.
Zadnji, ali ne i manje važan je Amazon. Što donosi Amazonu odlične ocjene zadovoljstva korisnika? Sjetite se vremena kada ste kupili nešto s Amazona i htjeli ste vratiti proizvod. Velika je šansa da je taj proces povrata bio brz i lagan. To je jedan od mnogih aspekata u kojima je Amazonova korisnička služba odlična.
Watch this video with insightful tips about great customer service
Discover valuable insights and techniques on delivering exceptional customer service in this informative video. Learn how to go above and beyond to create memorable experiences for your customers. Explore effective communication, active listening, problem-solving, and empathy-building skills that will help you provide outstanding service. Gain practical tips and strategies to exceed customer expectations, foster customer loyalty, and leave a lasting positive impression. Watch now and unlock the secrets to giving great customer service.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is customer service?
Customer service is a direct interaction between a client and the representative of the company the client has contacted. Customer service is a key factor in building relationships and brand image.
How to provide the best customer service?
There are many ways to improve the level of customer service in your business. You should make sure that you have detailed knowledge of the products and services you offer. You should also listen to your customers and ask for their honest opinion. It doesn’t hurt to remember about a friendly language and form of communication. Ensure that your team can reply to any client as soon as possible, make the most of feedback to improve your customer experience and build a strong relationship with your clients - it will pay off!
What are some common customer service mistakes?
There are mistakes in customer service that greatly affect the reception by customers and ultimately result in a significant decrease in profits for the company. One of the most common customer service mistakes is a lack of competence in a team that is responsible for customer service. Agents’ lack of proactivity towards customers' needs is also often recognized as the most serious mistake of customer service processes. If there’s no availability for customers and quick support (including no multi channel contact center solutions), it’s another red flag for customer service. What could cause more harm than good is also not listening to customers, breaking promises and letting them down. If there’s no customer service history in place, it’s difficult for a customer service team to keep an eye on processes within customer support, which may result in low customer satisfaction.
Ako želite dodatno unaprijediti svoju korisničku službu, preporučujemo da pročitate članak o tome kako poboljšati korisničku službu uz softver za korisničku podršku. Naučit ćete korisne savjete i strategije koje će vam pomoći da pružite izvrsno korisničko iskustvo.
Osim toga, ako vas zanima kako se istaknuti na društvenim mrežama, istražite najbolje softverske alternative za podršku na društvenim mrežama. Ovaj članak nudi usporedbe i prednosti koje vam mogu pomoći da poboljšate svoj ugled na društvenim mrežama i učinkovitije komunicirate s korisnicima.
Na kraju, saznajte više o važnosti korisničkog iskustva i kako ga poboljšati uz pomoć softvera za korisničku podršku. Otkrijte kako dobra korisnička podrška može pozitivno utjecati na vaše poslovanje i zadovoljstvo korisnika.