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Zašto ne biste dobili više od običnog alata za chat uživo? LiveAgent nudi vam najbrži widget za chat uživo na tržištu, više alata, više integracija i razumnu cijenu. Napravite promjenu danas i isprobajte LiveAgent besplatno!
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Služba za korisnike ne svodi se samo na razgovor u stvarnom vremenu.
Neka korisnici odaberu svoju omiljenu metodu uz LiveAgent.

LiveAgent streamlines multiple customer service channels into one piece of software

Save more with LiveAgent

Chaport vs LiveAgent at a glance

Features Liveagent Chaport
Contains a management tool that processes and catalogs customer service requests.
LiveAgent offers ticketing in Ticket plan for $15/agent/month.
Chaport offers ticketing in plan for $19/agent/month.
Live Chat
A real-time chat widget that you can place on any website.
LiveAgent offers Live Chat in Ticket+Chat plan for $29/agent/month.
Chaport offers Live Chat in plan for $19/agent/month.
Call Center
A call center that can be used to make and receive calls using automatic call distribution.
LiveAgent offers Call Center
Chaport doesn't offer Call Center.
A feature that enables you to build a customer portal that your customers can register for to access their past tickets and knowledge base content.
LiveAgent offers Self-Service.
Chaport doesn't offer Self-Service.
A Facebook integration that fetches all comments and mentions and transforms them into tickets. The integration also enables users to answer all comments and mentions from the social media help desk software.
LiveAgent offers a Facebook integration in Ticket plan for additional fee $39/month/per acc or in All-inclusive plan without additional fees.
Chaport offers a Facebook integration in plan for $19/agent/month.
A Twitter integration that fetches all mentions and comments and transforms them into tickets. The integration also enables users to answer Tweets directly from the software.
LiveAgent offers a Twitter integration.
Chaport doesn't offer a Twitter integration.
An Instagram integration that fetches all comments and mentions and transforms them into tickets. The integration also enables users to answer all comments and mentions from the social media help desk software.
LiveAgent offers an Instagram integration.
Chaport doesn't offer an Instagram integration.
A Viber integration that fetches all messages and transforms them into tickets. The integration also enables users to answer and broadcast Viber messages directly from the social media help desk software.
LiveAgent offers a Viber integration in Ticket plan for additional fee $39/month/per acc or in All-inclusive plan without additional fees.
Chaport offers a Viber integration in plan for $19/agent/month.
Knowledge Base
A knowledge repository that contains essential information, including troubleshooting guides, FAQs, and how-to-articles.
LiveAgent offers knowledge base.
Chaport doesn't offer knowledge base.
Customer Forum
An online discussion board for your customers that's located directly within your knowledge base.
LiveAgent offers customer forum.
Chaport doesn't offer customer forum.
Automation and Rules
Workflows that you can automate to eliminate repetitive tasks.
LiveAgent offers automation and rules.
Chaport doesn't offer automation and rules.
A set of functions that allow different applications to work together.
LiveAgent offers API functions in Ticket plan for $15/agent/month.
Chaport offers API functions in plan for around $19/agent/month.
Interactive Voice Response (IVR)
A technology that allows incoming callers to navigate a phone system before talking to a human operator.
LiveAgent offers IVR features.
Chaport doesn't offer IVR features.
Video Calls
A call that contains video, similar to Skype, Zoom, or Facetime calls.
LiveAgent offers video calls.
Chaport doesn't offer video calls.
Unlimited History
Tickets don't expire or delete-- you can view them at any time.
LiveAgent offers unlimited history in Ticket plan for $15/agent/month.
Chaport offers unlimited history in plan for $29/agent/month.
Unlimited Websites
You can use the software on an unlimited number of websites.
LiveAgent offers unlimited websites in Ticket plan for $15/agent/month.
Chaport offers unlimited websites in plan for $19/agent/month.
Unlimited Chat Buttons
You can place an unlimited number of chat buttons on your websites.
LiveAgent offers unlimited chat buttons in Ticket+Chat plan for $29/agent/month.
Chaport offers unlimited chat buttons in plan for $19/agent/month.
Unlimited Tickets/Mails
You can receive an unlimited number of emails and tickets.
LiveAgent offers unlimited tickets/mails in Ticket plan for $15/agent/month.
Chaport offers unlimited tickets/mails in plan for $19/agent/month.
Unlimited Call Recording
Record every call that’s made or received and playback the recording at any time.
LiveAgent offers unlimited call recording.
Chaport doesn't offer unlimited call recording.
Unlimited 24/7 Support
Customer support is offered 24/7 without limiting the number of queries you can submit.
LiveAgent offers unlimited 24/7 support.
Chaport doesn't offer unlimited 24/7 support.
Person deciding between two solutions

Moćna Chaport alternativa

LiveAgent vam nudi slobodu da komunicirate sa svojim korisnicima na razne načine. E-poruke, chat uživo, društvene mreže ili pozivi, imamo sve, tako da se vi možete usredotočiti na ono što je važno. Pouzdani sustav tiketiranja omogućuje vam praćenje svih komunikacija pa ne morate voditi brigu o sortiranju.

Najbrži widget za chat uživo

LiveAgent ima najbrži widget za chat uživo dostupan na tržištu. S brzinom prikaza chata od 2,5 sekunde, i vi možete dobiti najbolje od najboljeg za svoju korisničku podršku. Odgovorite svojim korisnicima brzinom munje i nemojte ih pustiti da čekaju.
The fastest live chat on the market

3 razloga zašto tvrtke prelaze na LiveAgent

Pozivni centar za podršku

Pored raznih ostalih značajki, LiveAgent također podržava integraciju pozivnog centra. Postavljanje je brzo i jednostavno!

Obiluje značajkama

Više od 175+ značajki kako bi vam rad bio lakši i ugodniji.

Povoljne cijene

LiveAgent nudi cijeli paket po razumnoj cijeni. Odaberite jedan od naša tri plaćena plana ili odaberite zasebne značajke kako biste prilagodili svoj help desk.
Professional built-in call center software

Pozivni centar za podršku

Jedna od sjajnih značajki LiveAgent-a je podrška putem pozivnog centra. Možete stvoriti vlastiti virtualni pozivni centar i povezati ga s preglednikom, telefonom ili bilo kojom drugom opremom po vašem izboru. Dobijte više iz korisničke podrške i pružite svojim korisnicima osobniji pristup.

Učinite više po odličnoj cijeni

Uz LiveAgent možete učiniti mnogo više i to po izvrsnoj cijeni. Nudimo vam tri cjenovna plana koji vam donose korisne značajke i integracije za pružanje podrške koje neće narušiti vaš budžet. LiveAgent je najrecenziraniji i najbolje ocijenjeni help desk softver za mala i srednja poduzeća u 2020. Budite bliži svojim kupcima i brže im pomozite s LiveAgent-om.
Do more customer support for less money

Provjerite zašto tvrtke prelaze na LiveAgent

Želite li usporediti LiveAgent s drugim softverom za chat uživo?

Zanima vas kako stojimo u usporedbi s drugim popularnim rješenjima za chat uživo? Provjerite našu stranicu s usporedbama i otkrijte što sve nudimo.
Related Articles to Alternativa za Chaport
Želite bolju telefonsku podršku? Isprobajte LiveAgent koji može učiniti puno više toga od običnih telefonskih poziva. Otkrijte sve prednosti i ključne značajke LiveAgent help deska.

Tražite alternativu za LiveCall?

Discover LiveAgent as a powerful and feature-rich alternative to LiveCall, offering email, live chat, social media, and knowledge base support. Enhance customer engagement with the fastest live chat widget, easy call center integration, and affordable pricing plans. Start your free trial without a credit card and transform visitors into paying customers effortlessly. Join top companies like Forbes and Airbus in elevating your customer support experience.

Liveagent je vrhunsko višekanalno rješenje za vašu tvrtku. Iskoristite 175+ funkcionalnosti i 40+ integracija te sjajne alate već danas.

Tražite alternativu za Customerly?

Razmislite o prelasku na LiveAgent, vrhunsko višekanalno rješenje za korisničku podršku. S više od 175 značajki i 40+ integracija, omogućuje brzo i učinkovito rješavanje korisničkih upita putem e-maila, chata uživo, društvenih mreža i više. Isprobajte besplatno 14 ili 30 dana bez kreditne kartice!

Tražite li alternativu za Help Scout? Jeste li upoznati s LiveAgent? Pogledajte benefite i saznajte zašto je LiveAgent najbolja alternativa.

Alternativa za Help Scout

LiveAgent je moćna alternativa za Help Scout s 175+ funkcionalnosti, podrškom na više jezika i najbržim chatom na tržištu.

LiveAgent je izvrsna alternativa ako želite dobiti više mogućnosti za komunikaciju sa svojim kupcima. Prebacite se s CallPagea na LiveAgent odmah.

Tražitealternativu za CallPage?

LiveAgent je izvrsna alternativa ako želite dobiti više mogućnosti za komunikaciju sa svojim kupcima. Prebacite se s CallPagea na LiveAgent odmah.

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