Avoid delivering poor customer support by letting your customers rate the responses and answers of your customer support Agents. Identify negative trends in your customer support and act accordingly. Leverage the “Ranking” feature of LiveAgent.

Your customers can provide feedback about their support experience by rating their communication with a customer representative. Allow your customers to rate Agent’s Chat and Email responses.
Sažetak ocjenjivanja agenata
LiveAgent nudi izvješće s priloženim komentarima o agentima koji dobiju pohvale ili primjedbe od strane korisnika. Izvješće možete izvesti u formatu CSV datoteke.
Kad naučite više toga o svojim agentima, moći ćete nagraditi najbolje agente i ponuditi pomoć onima koji su trenutno neuspješni. Prepoznajte negativne trendove u svojoj korisničkoj podršci i ponašajte se u skladu s tim. Iskoristite značajku “Ocjenjivanja” LiveAgent-a.
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