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Tražite li drugačiji softver za korisničku podršku i komunikaciju? LiveAgent je ultimativno help desk rješenje za vaše poslovanje. Pružite podršku i komunicirajte putem velikog broja kanala poput e-pošte, chata uživo ili čak Instagrama. Prelazak na LiveAgent jednostavan je i brz.
  • GetApp Category Leader 2024 badge

Razgovorna marketinška platforma s ugrađenim pozivnim centrom.
Otkrijte LiveAgent.

LiveAgent streamlines multiple customer service channels into one piece of software

Save more with LiveAgent

Dashly vs LiveAgent at a glance

Features Liveagent
Try the best customer support alternative for free! No credit card required.
Contains a management tool that processes and catalogs customer service requests.
LiveAgent offers ticketing in Ticket plan for $15/agent/month.
Dashly offers ticketing in plan for $19/month.
Live Chat
A real-time chat widget that you can place on any website.
LiveAgent offers Live Chat in Ticket+Chat plan for $29/user/month.
Dashly offers Live Chat in plan for $19/month.
Call Center
A call center that can be used to make and receive calls using automatic call distribution.
LiveAgent offers Call Center.
Dashly doesn't offer Call Center.
A feature that enables you to build a customer portal that your customers can register for to access their past tickets and knowledge base content.
LiveAgent offers Self-Service portal in Ticket plan for $15/agent/month.
Dashly offers Self-Service portal in plan for $70/month.
A Facebook integration that fetches all comments and mentions and transforms them into tickets. The integration also enables users to answer all comments and mentions from the social media help desk software.
LiveAgent offers a Facebook integration in Ticket plan for additional fee $39/month/per acc or in All-inclusive plan without additional fees.
Dashly offers a Facebook integration in plan for $19/month.
A Twitter integration that fetches all mentions and comments and transforms them into tickets. The integration also enables users to answer Tweets directly from the software.
LiveAgent offers a Twitter integration.
Dashly doesn't offer a Twitter integration.
An Instagram integration that fetches all comments and mentions and transforms them into tickets. The integration also enables users to answer all comments and mentions from the social media help desk software.
LiveAgent offers an Instagram integration.
Dashly doesn't offer an Instagram integration.
A Viber integration that fetches all messages and transforms them into tickets. The integration also enables users to answer and broadcast Viber messages directly from the social media help desk software.
LiveAgent offers a Viber integration in Ticket plan for additional fee $39/month/per acc or in All-inclusive plan without additional fees.
Dashly offers a Viber integration in plan for $19/month.
Knowledge Base
A knowledge repository that contains essential information, including troubleshooting guides, FAQs, and how-to-articles.
LiveAgent offers knowledge base in Ticket plan for $15/agent/month.
Dashly offers knowledge base in plan for $70/month.
Customer Forum
An online discussion board for your customers that's located directly within your knowledge base.
LiveAgent offers customer forum.
Dashly doesn't offer customer forum.
Automation and Rules
Workflows that you can automate to eliminate repetitive tasks.
LiveAgent offers automation and rules in Ticket plan for $15/agent/month.
Dashly offers automation and rules in plan for $70/month.
A set of functions that allow different applications to work together.
LiveAgent offers API functions in Ticket plan for $15/agent/month.
Dashly offers API functions in plan for $70/month.
Interactive Voice Response (IVR)
A technology that allows incoming callers to navigate a phone system before talking to a human operator.
LiveAgent offers IVR features.
Dashly doesn't offer IVR features.
Video Calls
A call that contains video, similar to Skype, Zoom, or Facetime calls.
LiveAgent offers video calls.
Dashly doesn't offer video calls.
Unlimited History
Tickets don't expire or delete-- you can view them at any time.
LiveAgent offers unlimited history in Ticket plan for $15/agent/month.
Dashly offers unlimited history in plan for $70/month.
Unlimited Websites
You can use the software on an unlimited number of websites.
LiveAgent offers unlimited websites.
Dashly doesn't offer unlimited websites.
Unlimited Chat Buttons
You can place an unlimited number of chat buttons on your websites.
LiveAgent offers unlimited chat buttons.
Dashly doesn't offer unlimited chat buttons.
Unlimited Tickets/Mails
You can receive an unlimited number of emails and tickets.
LiveAgent offers unlimited tickets/mails.
Dashly doesn't offer unlimited tickets/mails.
Unlimited Call Recording
Record every call that’s made or received and playback the recording at any time.
LiveAgent offers unlimited call recording.
Dashly doesn't offer unlimited call recording.
Unlimited 24/7 Support
Customer support is offered 24/7 without limiting the number of queries you can submit.
LiveAgent offers unlimited 24/7 support in Ticket plan for $15/agent/month.
Dashly offers unlimited 24/7 support in plan with custom pricing.
Person deciding between two solutions

Moćna Dashly alternativa

Izvucite više iz svog poslovanja. LiveAgent je izvrstan komunikacijski alat koji podržava e-poštu, društvene mreže, bazu znanja, chat uživo i pozivni centar. S više od 175+ značajki i preko 40 integracija, vaš će biznis imati sve potrebno za pružanje podrške. I sve to po cijeni koja vas neće prestrašiti.

Bolja briga za korisnike

Briga o korisnicima važan je dio svakog uspješnog poslovanja i stoga je ne treba zanemariti. Korištenjem posebnog softvera usmjerenog na pružanje boljeg rješenja za brigu o korisnicima možete povećati njihovo zadovoljstvo i povrat ulaganja. Pobrinite se da budu sretni s pravim softverom.
Customer providing review for service on mobile phone

3 razloga zašto tvrtke prelaze na LiveAgent

Poboljšano zadovoljstvo

LiveAgent povećava korisničko zadovoljstvo i poboljšava stope konverzije.

Povećana produktivnost

Smanjite vrijeme rada svojih agenata i riješite više upita korisnika zahvaljujući našem univerzalnom ulaznom pretincu.

Obiluje značajkama

Više od 175 + značajki kako bi vam rad bio lakši i ugodniji.
Do more customer support for less money

Dobijte više toga po fer cijeni

Nabavka odličnog softvera za korisničku podršku i komunikaciju za vaše poslovanje ne znači da morate narušiti svoj budžet. LiveAgent nudi vam tri izvrsna plaćena plana koji su prepuni alata, značajki i integracija koji vam pomažu u pružanju bolje podrške. Pogledajte naše cjenovne planove i saznajte više.

Tražite bolji help desk softver?

LiveAgent je najrecenziraniji i najbolje ocijenjeni help desk softver za mala i srednja poduzeća u 2020. Budite bliži svojim kupcima i brže im pomozite s LiveAgent-om.
Ready to switch to LiveAgent

Provjerite zašto tvrtke prelaze na LiveAgent

Usporedite LiveAgent s drugim softverom

Zanima vas kako stojimo u usporedbi s drugim popularnim help desk rješenjima? Provjerite našu stranicu s usporedbama i otkrijte što sve nudimo.
Related Articles to Alternativa za Dashly
Aplikaciju Pathfinder moguće je integrirati s vašim postojećim softverom kako bi se poboljšala vaša korisnička služba. Aplikacija vam omogućava praćenje aktivnosti krajnjih korisnika.


LiveAgent je softver za korisničku službu s besplatnim računima i različitim funkcionalnostima. Pathfinder omogućava praćenje aktivnosti korisnika prije i poslije podnošenja zahtjeva za podršku, poboljšavajući korisničku podršku. Besplatno isprobajte LiveAgent i integrirajte Pathfinder za bolje praćenje aktivnosti korisnika.

Saznajte što čini LiveAgent odličnom alternativom za SpiceWorks. Započnite vaš besplatni probni period i saznajte više o sustavu za tiketing.

Tražite alternativu za SpiceWorks?

Kreirajte pamtljivo korisničko iskustvo i povećajte zadovoljstvo klijenata za veći prihod. Poboljšajte vrijednost klijenta i ostvarite više prodaja.

Izvrsna korisnička podrška započinje boljim help desk softverom. Cijena počinje od 15 USD mjesečno pa na više, ovisno o planu pretplate. Započnite s 14-dnevnim besplatnim probnim razdobljem.

Nagrade& certifikati

Lideri u softverskim kategorijama za korisničku podršku, chat, telefoniju i rad na daljinu. Brza implementacija i visoka korisnička vrijednost. LiveAgent nudi nagrade i značke za podršku korisnicima, poboljšavajući produktivnost i iskustvo korisnika.

LiveAgent je izvrsna alternativa ako želite dobiti više mogućnosti za komunikaciju sa svojim kupcima. Prebacite se s CallPagea na LiveAgent odmah.

Tražitealternativu za CallPage?

Korisnici hvale LiveAgent zbog širokog raspona značajki, podrške i pristupačne cijene. Prešli su s drugih platformi poput Zendeska zbog bolje funkcionalnosti i podrške.

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