Predstavljaju se najbolje prakse slanja cold emailova za B2B poduzeća s popisom predložaka i dokazanih naslova. Također se preporučuje povezivanje s potencijalnim kupcima i slanje više emailova za uspostavljanje veza. Sastavljanje personaliziranog i usmjerenog cold emaila može biti početak uspješne prodajne interakcije.
Za B2B poduzeća, cold email marketing je bio i bit će jedan od najefikasnijih načina za generiranje mogućih kupaca. Dobro sastavljen, personaliziran i visoko usmjeren cold email može biti početak uspješne prodajne interakcije. Međutim, pošto je cold email vrsta emaila koji šaljete potencijalnim klijentima s kojima nemate nikakvu poveznicu – nagovoriti ih da odgovore (ili uopće otvore) cold mail može biti izazov. Navest ćemo vam najbolje prakse slanja B2B cold emailova, zajedno s popisom dokazanih naslova te 10 cold sales email predložaka koje možete koristiti za svoje odlazne email kampanje.
My name is [First name], and I’m the head of business development efforts at [Your company]. We recently launched a new [product] that helps [one sentence pitch].
I’m taking an educated guess here– based on your online profile, you appear to be an appropriate person to connect with, or might be able to point me in the right direction.
I’d like to speak with someone from [Prospect’s company] who is responsible for [handling something that’s relevant to my product].
If that’s you, are you open to a 15-minute call on [date and time] to discuss how [product] can specifically help your business? If not you, who do you recommend I should contact?
I’d appreciate the help!
This is [Your name] with [Your company]. I work with businesses in the [specific] industry and saw you visited our website in the past.
This inspired me to spend a few minutes on [Prospect’s company] website to learn more about how you’re approaching [their strategy for sales/ marketing/ customer service, etc.]. I noticed some areas of opportunity and decided to reach out to you directly.
[Your company] is working with similar companies in your industry, such as [Customer 1], [Customer 2], and [Customer 3] to help them accomplish [specific goals], and giving them the [tools/solutions] to succeed.
If you’d like to learn more, let’s set up a quick call. How does [Day/ time] look on your calendar?
[Your name] from [Your company] here. I know you’re busy, so I’ll keep this short.
[Prospect’s company] is on my radar because we’ve helped organizations like [Customer 1], [Customer 2], and [Customer 3] to improve [the benefit your product provides] and achieve [results].
Is this something that might interest your organization right now? If so, are you or someone from the team available to hop on a quick call sometime over the next week or two?
Just ran across your website and noticed you were using [your competitor’s product]. How is it working out for you?
Our product is similar to that, however, it also provides [key differentiators]. If you’re up for it, I would love to jump on a quick call with you and get your opinion on how we could make [Prospect’s company] better and see if it would make sense for us to work together.
Would [date and time] be a good time for you? (If not, I’m flexible, just let me know).
[Your name] from [Your company] here. I saw you recently downloaded our whitepaper about [topic of whitepaper], so I thought I’d reach out.
[Prospect’s company] looks like a great fit for [Your company] and I’d love to understand what your goals are for this year.
We often help companies like yours grow with:
A solution/result
B solution/result
C solution/result
If you’d like to learn how [Your company] can help you reach [X goals], feel free to book time on my calendar here: [link]
[Mutual connection] recommended we get in touch, hope you don’t mind me reaching out. I work for [Company name] that provides [short product pitch].
[Product name] has been helping businesses like yours [achieve specific goals]. I believe it’s something that might be valuable to you.
How do you feel about a quick call next week to discuss this further? Let me know when works best for you.
My name is [Your name] and we work with companies like [Company names] to improve their [sales/ marketing efforts/ customer experience, etc.].
I’ve already started looking at [Prospect’s company] website and I have a few ideas about how you can increase your […]. For example, [details on how you can help them achieve their goals].
I actually have more ideas that may be useful for you. Do you have some time next week for a 15-minute call? If so, you can book time directly onto my calendar here: [link]
My name is [Your name], and I’ll keep this very quick.
Our software solution helps businesses like yours achieve [specific goals] through [product benefits].
Could I have 10 minutes of your time next week for a personalized demo that’ll make clear why companies like [Customer 1], [Customer 2], and [Customer 3] love our product?
You recently visited our website and [what they did on website]. If you’re interested in learning more about [content topic], then I can recommend the following additional resources:
[Relevant resource 1]
[Relevant resource 2]
Or, if you were looking for a cost-effective solution to [topic], our product/service could actually help you [achieve specific goals]. Let’s schedule a quick 10-minute call so I can tell you more about it. When works best for you?
I just came across your [prospect’s blog post/ comment] on [platform] and thought the points you made were very insightful and I agree with most of them.
It also made me want to reach out so I could talk to you about how [Prospect’s company] could benefit from our software that totally takes care of the issue you raised about [details of the issue].
What would be the best way to get 15 mins on your calendar to explore if this would be valuable to your company?
Cold email je kratak i prelazi na stvar odmah. Nastojte formulirati email ne dulji od 4 rečenice.
Kada sastavljate cold email, trebate početi s kratkim uvodom o sebi i svom poduzeću. Nakon uvoda, trebate navesti razlog pisanja emaila. Nakon toga, trebate ponuditi rješenje ili predstavljanje svog proizvoda.
Trebali biste imati popis adresa koji ste dobili kao rezultat vašeg istraživačkog procesa. Nemojte samo slati cold emailove na nasumične adrese. Fokusirajte se na izgradnju tople poveznice s potencijalnim kupcima. Nemojte se ustručavati slanja više emailova. Neki ljudi misle da slanje više emailova znači da ne možete uspostaviti vezu. To nije istina. Možete uspostaviti vezu iako šaljete više emailova. Ono što je važno je da imate mogućnost povezivanja s vašim potencijalnim klijentima.
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Email marketing je fleksibilni kanal komunikacije koji omogućava slanje poruka u različitim formatima. Postoje tri osnovna tipa email marketinških poruka: transakcijski, relacijski i promotivni emailovi. Transakcijski emailovi se odnose na transakciju između dvije strane, poput potvrde kupnje ili dostave. Relacijski emailovi se fokusiraju na angažman publike i educiranje klijenata. Promotivni emailovi se koriste za slanje promocija i ponuda klijentima. Email marketing je i dalje jedna od najkorištenijih komunikacijskih kanala te je važno koristiti predloške za poslovne emailove kako bi se kampanje lakše i brže kreirale.
Predlošci za popratne emailove
Slanje popratnog e-maila je dobar način za nastavak poslovne konverzacije. Personalizirajte poruku, držite se kratko, budite uljudni i poštujte vrijeme primatelja. Spomenite prethodnu konverzaciju kako biste osvježili sjećanje primatelja i istaknuli svoj interes za daljnjem kontaktu. Najbolje vrijeme za slanje e-maila je sredinom tjedna. Ako ne dobijete odgovor, pošaljite drugi e-mail nakon tjedan ili dva. Ne čekajte predugo prije novog kontakta, ali nemojte ni prebrzo reagirati. Predlošci e-maila za zahvalu i isprike mogu pomoći u gradnji vjernosti klijenata.
Predlošci za marketinški email
Postoje istraživanja koja pokazuju da je email marketing najučinkovitiji alat za prodaju i da većina ljudi preferira primati promotivni materijal putem emaila. Činjenice pokazuju da stopa konverzije za email marketing je veća nego za društvene medije, izravne poruke i ostale kanale. Predlošci emailova za prodaju su dostupni za prilagodbu industriji. E-mail bonton je važan za održavanje ugleda branda, a email bonton službe za korisnike pomažu u stvaranju i njegovaju dugotrajnih odnosa s klijentima. Automatski emailovi poslije kupnje zadržavaju angažman klijenata i generiraju više ponovljenih prodaja, te organizacije trebaju osigurati dobar način podrške kupcima kako bi smanjile osjećaj disonance nakon kupnje.
Predlošci za popratni email za kupnju
The text discusses the importance of sending effective follow-up emails after a call, interview, or purchase. It provides templates and tips for crafting personalized and concise emails that express gratitude and call to action. The article emphasizes that sending a follow-up email can positively impact sales, customer engagement, and loyalty.
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Andrej Saxon | LiveAgent support team